The 66th annual Kingfisher Rodeo took place last weekend, August 4th and 5th at the Kingfisher Roundup Club Arena. This past weekend was jam-packed with events in Kingfisher. Along with the rodeo and rodeo dance, there was also the Kool Cars & Chrome Car Show, Krazy Days, and city-wide garage sales organized by the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce. The Kingfisher Rodeo is sanctioned by both the Kansas Professional Rodeo Association (KPRA) and the International Professional Rodeo Association (IPRA), which attracts more out-of-town competitors. The Sumner Rodeo Co. was the stock contractor, responsible for providing all the animals for the event. Events that took place included, ranch bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, bull riding, barrel racing, team roping, mutton bustin, and more! The Kingfisher Rodeo held this year proved to be a resounding success with an impressive number of participants and spectators in attendance. The atmosphere was electric and full of excitement as the competitors showcased their skills and thrilled the crowd. Overall, it was a memorable event and something to look forward to for next year! 
