I will forever remember my mom’s morning routine with a cigarette in one hand and steaming coffee in another. Sitting at the kitchen table watching her array of birds flock to her feeders, and taking their morning birdie baths. Laid out in front of her were bird identifier books, along with some binoculars in arm’s reach. I guess the apple didn’t fall far, I too have turned into that crazy bird lady, currently using those same bird books as my guide.
Last summer I decided it was time to get a bird feeder, little did we know that we would inherit the type of bird you would normally pick up at the local Atwood’s. An ornery chicken has decided to roost under our carport, finding its way into our backyard and hitting the gold mine of rejected bird seed. Upon his arrival, we scratched our heads and pondered, where did he come from? Was he an escapee from a nearby coop? After weeks of sticking around, realizing he is loving the free room and board. With the perks of zero clean-up etiquette, why would he ever leave now! We decided it was time to give him a name, “Boxcar Willie” (when you know, you know). Boxcar Willie has become quite comfortable, a little too comfy if you ask me! Each morning we find him squawking around by the feed box until he gets his morning portion, “demanding lil’ fella” I say. Willie has become part of our daily routine; with each day getting more and more at ease around us, at times even running to greet us. This so-called uninvited feathered friend is now part of our gang. We didn’t ask for him nor did we pick him, but just maybe he picked us. So, you may wonder, why this random chicken story? Well, it’s more than a chicken, it’s a lesson. Life is all about giving us surprises, some of which we love, and some that we learn from. However, try remembering to embrace the unexpected that life throws at us. Even if it is a silly little Boxcar chicken. – Amy Smith, All About Kingfisher