Established in 1985, the Kingfisher Educational Foundation (KEF) is an esteemed non-profit organization with a critical mission — to support and invest in the students to enrich learning. Their unique fundraising approach, characterized by an annual summer duck race, has consistently proven effective, successfully fueling their purpose.

Every October, KEF provides an opportunity for teachers to submit grant applications. These grants fund a variety of classroom necessities, from essential software to specific items that enhance the learning environment. This year, a multitude of fortunate educators saw their grant applications approved, a testament to their dedication and the foundation’s commitment to fostering education.

On the morning of December 13th, the KEF Board, with a little festive assistance from Santa himself, embarked on a joyous mission. They delivered the heartening news to each teacher whose grant application had been accepted. The result? Over $60,000 was disbursed for various classroom enhancements including a wealth of new books, playground equipment, comprehensive curriculum resources, and much more.

KEF stands as a beacon of support for Kingfisher’s teaching community, paving the way for students to revel in a wealth of learning opportunities. It truly is a blessing that continues to nurture Kingfisher’s educational landscape, empowering students to learn, thrive, and grow.
