Kindness Day was a huge success with many outpourings of kindness throughout Kingfisher on Friday, November 10th. Below is a highlight of the different Kindness acts that went on.
Casey’s: Collecting socks, underwear, blankets (for adults & kids) to donate to Federated Church.
Cimarron Electric: Donation of time & supplies to Thanksgiving meal & baskets for disadvantaged families provided through Kingfisher County Food Pantry; providing DOK event sponsor ad in newspaper.
Designs by Dennis: Carnations for all nursing homes/assisted living residents and classes from CTTC delivered Friday morning.
Heritage Pharmacy: Offered Flu shots on November 10th
Kingfisher Community Collaborative: Donating baskets for the City of Kingfisher and Cimarron Electric employees.
Kingfisher County Food Pantry: Handed out food & supplies.
Medic Pharmacy Snack Shack: Free drinks for KPS staff, healthcare workers, military, and first responders.
NBC: Delivering care baskets to the nursing home/assisted living residents.
Pioneer: Employees donated hygiene products to Kingfisher County Food Pantry & Jacket Pantry & provided a backhoe to offload items from United Way at the Food Pantry.
Sanders Funeral Service: Delivered donuts to fire, police & sheriff staff.
Kingfisher Schools:
STUCO made a sticky note wall of random acts of kindness ideas.
NHS students will work shifts at the Kingfisher County Food Bank.
Students Stepping Up will present positive, encouraging messages on the intercom all week and will share those with the younger schools in the district.
Students Stepping Up will deliver baked goods to Police & Fire Dept. staff and Red Rock staff.
KHS seniors read to PreK/Kindergarten students at Gilmour Elementary School.