Zack Smithson is the new Kingfisher Nazarene Church’s lead pastor. Zack and his family are from Fort Worth, Texas, but plan on moving to Kingfisher over the summer. Zack and his wife Corrie have five children together. Their kids range from 16 to 11 years of age.

Lillie, their oldest, 16, enjoys playing volleyball in and out of school. Due to Kingfisher Public Schools not offering in-school volleyball, she will most likely attend Hennessey High School whereas the others will attend Kingfisher Public Schools. The second oldest Luke, 13, enjoys playing baseball and cello in school. Then there is number 3, Isaiah, who is also 13, he enjoys playing the trombone as well as being in theater. Their fourth child is Naomi, 12, who likes theater, choir, and gymnastics. Finally, the youngest, Elijah, 11, who has taken up playing the piano and whatever it is that his siblings are doing.

Zack and Corrie have been married for 18 years. Zack stated that when he got the calling from God to become a pastor, he was running a restaurant. Smithson felt God was pulling him to be a pastor, he followed that calling by becoming a pastor. Zack has been a pastor overall for 23 years. He was a youth pastor for 8 years and spent the last 15 years as a lead pastor.

His future goals for the Nazarene are to re-establish the fundamental denomination for being a church for those who normally “don’t belong” in other churches. He also plans to open the Nazarene up as a revolving door for those of all ages, races, and social classes. Zack plans to establish the Nazarene as a church of no judgment to those who attend church services. 

Church services for the Nazarene include breakfast on Sundays at 9 am, Sunday school at 9:45 am, and worship at 10:45 am. Wednesday night youth services are held at 6:30 pm. The Nazarene Church is located at 414 W Hill Drive, Kingfisher, Oklahoma
They are excited to be a new addition to the community. Please give a warm welcome to the Smithson family as they make the transition from big-city to small-town living.Story: AAK Gracie Fuksa
