Kingfisher County Election Board Secretary Shawna Butts announced today that the Cashion and Cimarron School Districts have opted to close precincts. For Cashion, Cimarron Electric 370102, and Central Baptist Association 370103 in Kingfisher County will be closed. Cashion is also closing 420102,420303 in Logan County, and 090504 in Canadian County. Cimarron School District will be closing Hennessey Auditorium 370201 in Kingfisher County, for the Board of Education Primary election scheduled on February 8, 2022.
State law allows a school district to close a precinct polling place for an election if the entire precinct is not contained within the district’s boundaries and if no one resides in the part of the precinct that is inside the district. Cashion and Cimarron School Districts officials have determined that the listed precincts above, meet the condition of the law. Closing the polling place would reduce the overall cost of the election for the district.
Any registered voter in Precinct 370102, and 370103, and 370201 who believes that he or she may reside in the Cashion and Cimarron School Districts are urged to contact the County Election Board office immediately.
The Kingfisher County Election Board is located at 101 S. Main St. #8, in Kingfisher and is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Election Board officials can be reached at 405-375-3895 or by email at