[{"id":10637,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/fatality-collision\/","name":"fatality-collision","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/09\/Fatality-Wreck.jpg","alt":""},"title":"FATALITY COLLISION","excerpt":"","content":"Tuesday morning, September 3rd at 10 am emergency crews responded to a two-vehicle accident at the intersection of US-81 and Kingfisher Regional Hospital Dr, located south of Kingfisher city limits in Kingfisher County. \n\n\n\nAccording to the OHP report Hubert Bob Savell, age 70 of El Reno, was driving east in his 2018 Hyundai Elantra leaving Kingfisher Regional Hospital. Savell was struck in the intersection by a southbound 2019 Toyota Highland driven by Sarah Thornberry, age 39 of Enid, OK. \n\n\n\nAccording to the report Savel was pronounced deceased at the scene. Thornberry was transported by OHP Trooper Jeff Jech to Mercy Hospital in Kingfisher, for trunk internal injuries. She was treated and released.\n\n\n\nOHP was assisted by the Kingfisher Police Department, Kingfisher County Sheriff's Office, Kingfisher Fire Department, and EMS.\n\n\n\nPhoto By Jack Quirk, All About Kingfisher, All the Stuff you need to know 24\/7 - 365","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Sep 6, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-09-06 18:33:57","modifiedDate":"2024-09-06 13:33:58","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-09-06 18:33:58","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":43},"status":"publish"},{"id":10631,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/water-your-options\/","name":"water-your-options","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/09\/Josh-Campbell-with-We-Are-Oklahoma-Presents-at-CTTCjpg-e1725647449695.jpg","alt":""},"title":"WATER YOUR OPTIONS?","excerpt":"","content":"The Chisholm Trail Technology Center had a great, interactive, and exciting bunch out on August 30th for their irrigation presentation. Adult workshops have become somewhat of a thing around here and won't be stopping anytime soon. Watering or irrigating may sound easy, but a lot goes into it. What kind of landscape do you have? What's your soil like? What kind of plants do you have? How much water do they need? These are questions you need to ask yourself when considering how much water to use and conserve.\n\n\n\nUnderstanding your soil is going to help you make decisions on how to irrigate. As always, Josh Campbell, the workshop presenter, came prepared with plenty of resources, recommendations, and information. He even brought props for the attendees to look at.\n\n\n\nSome key takeaways were:\n\n\n\n\u2022 The best time to water is early in the morning between 12am to 8am. There is typically less wind movement and allows for less water waste. The best way to water is by hand at the base of the plant or drip irrigation, especially if it's a raised garden bed or vegetable garden.\n\n\n\n\u2022 Water a couple times a week allowing for a rest day in between watering. Plants need oxygen too and if they are constantly being watered without any breathing time they are essential being drown.\n\n\n\n\u2022 The perfect type of soil to have is loam soil. If you don't have loam and maybe have sand or clay soil there are ways to combat that like using compost or mulch.\n\n\n\n\u2022 Composting quadruples a plant's ability to hold water.\n\n\n\n\u2022 Mulch isn't just for aesthetics. It serves a purpose. It protects the soil and provides it with nutrients.\n\n\n\n\u2022 There are multiple ways to conserve water such as different sensors, timers, irrigation systems. Also thinking about the types of plants and grass you have, and how much water they need is important.\n\n\n\n\u2022 Implement the 1\/3 rule. Never cut more than one third of the height of your grass at one time. This way it stays green longer and you don't have to water as much.\n\n\n\n-\n\n\n\nTo find out about more exciting things coming up at CTTC contact Dan Craig at (405)-729-8324 and get signed up for their email list.\n\n\n\nPhotos by AAK Maitland Pickle All the Things You Need to Know 24\/7 - 365","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Sep 6, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-09-06 18:31:13","modifiedDate":"2024-09-06 13:31:16","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-09-06 18:31:16","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":57},"status":"publish"},{"id":10566,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/grip-it-rip-it\/","name":"grip-it-rip-it","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/09\/457010955_815427887243365_490761262276549417_n.jpg","alt":""},"title":"GRIP IT & RIP IT","excerpt":"","content":"Sunday, August 25th, the Kingfisher High Junior Class hosted a golf tournament at the Kingfisher Golf Course. The Junior Class golf tournament has grown in popularity since the first one 20 years ago. This year's tournament quickly filled with 4-person teams sponsored by community businesses, many local golfers, and out-of-towners. Several companies showed their support by sponsoring a hole or donating prizes that were raffled after the tournament. Tony's Pump & Supply and Orco Services made sure that the golfers, students, and parents stayed fueled with hot dogs and chips. The Junior Class would like to express its gratitude to everyone who helped in making this event a continued success. Kingfisher High School\u00a0 Photos by AAK-Amy Smith","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Sep 6, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-09-06 18:13:21","modifiedDate":"2024-09-06 13:13:23","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-09-06 18:13:23","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":35},"status":"publish"},{"id":10544,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/all-aboard-for-a-good-time\/","name":"all-aboard-for-a-good-time","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/09\/458272873_821040590015428_1810153621433546278_n.jpg","alt":""},"title":"ALL ABOARD FOR A GOOD TIME","excerpt":"","content":"The best times are those spent at the Kingfisher Memorial Library! Have your kiddos pay the Kingfisher Librarians a visit after school any day of the week for all kinds of activities. Wednesday, September the 4th\u2019s festivities consisted of pc & board games with a special September scavenger hunt. If they haven\u2019t already, your students can come participate in the treasure hunt, where they\u2019ll end up rich in pirate booty. Shiver me, timbers, that sounds like fun!\n\n\n\nLibrary Monthly Calendar\n\n\n\nMonday:\n\n\n\nTween & Teen Ham Radio - 1st Monday of every month | 5:30pm\n\n\n\nSewing & Crafts - every other Monday of the month | 3pm - 5:30pm\n\n\n\nTuesday:\n\n\n\nStoryTime | 10am\n\n\n\nLego Build Club for 1st Grade & Up | 3:30pm - 4:30pm\n\n\n\nWednesday:\n\n\n\nTween & Teen PC & Board Games | 3pm - 4:30pm\n\n\n\nThursday:\n\n\n\nMusical StoryTime | 10am\n\n\n\nKids Board Games | 3:30 - 4:30pm\n\n\n\nFriday:\n\n\n\nTween & Teen Flight Simulator | 3pm - 4:30pmSeptember: Pirate-themed scavenger Hunt after school","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Sep 6, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-09-06 17:59:50","modifiedDate":"2024-09-06 12:59:53","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-09-06 17:59:53","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":49},"status":"publish"},{"id":10425,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/free-back-to-school-supplies\/","name":"free-back-to-school-supplies","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/455873519_809318914520929_6298890455687569747_n-e1724356138607.jpg","alt":""},"title":"FREE BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES","excerpt":"","content":"On Monday, August 12th, Tiffany Tiller with Successful Futures set up a free back-to-school drive at the Kingfisher Memorial Library. All supplies were leftover donations from Youth and Family Service in El Reno. The drive was open to all Kingfisher County schools and grades. Roughly 70 students were afforded a variety of school supplies as well as backpacks and snacks. A big thank you to Tiffany Tiller for making the event possible and to the Kingfisher Librarians for providing the space. Photos by AAK Bonny Flesher","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Aug 22, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-08-22 19:49:18","modifiedDate":"2024-08-22 14:49:20","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-22 19:49:20","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":26},"status":"publish"},{"id":10422,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/city-board-hires-police-chief\/","name":"city-board-hires-police-chief","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/police-chief.jpg","alt":""},"title":"CITY BOARD HIRES POLICE CHIEF","excerpt":"","content":"At their August regular meeting, the Kingfisher city commissioners unanimously voted to officially appoint Travis Gray as the new chief of the Kingfisher Police Department. Gray had been serving as interim chief since May when former Chief David Catron retired. The decision was made following a recommendation from City Manager Jim Thomas, who had carefully evaluated Gray's performance during his time as interim chief. Thomas received letters of recommendation for Gray from various individuals, including Catron, former Chief Dennis Baker, and former Assistant Chief Jeff Townsend, as well as members of the Kingfisher community. The evaluation period provided reassurance that Gray possessed the necessary leadership skills for the role. Gray, a Kingfisher High School graduate with over 17 years of experience with the department, was noted for his commitment to ethics and open communication. The council's decision to hire Gray as police chief signals their confidence in his qualities and dedication to serving the Kingfisher community. Vice Mayor Jeff Wittrock motioned for Gray's approval, which was seconded by Commissioner Debbie Burpo, leading to a unanimous vote in favor of Gray assuming the permanent role of police chief.","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Aug 22, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-08-22 19:44:36","modifiedDate":"2024-08-22 14:44:37","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-22 19:44:37","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":56},"status":"publish"},{"id":10135,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/all-smiles-at-the-farmhand-olympics\/","name":"all-smiles-at-the-farmhand-olympics","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/456380019_812920504160770_857530143020046440_n.jpg","alt":""},"title":"ALL SMILES AT THE FARMHAND OLYMPICS","excerpt":"","content":"On August 21st, the Kingfisher County Free Fair had its annual Farmhand Olympics contest. They complete a series of tasks in an assembly-like line and rotation system. There are three different divisions. Senior, intermediate, and junior. There were a total of 6 senior, 4 intermediate, and 11 junior teams. The towns of Kingfisher, Okarche, Dover, Lomega, and Cashion were all represented. The first place winners of each category received a $20 gift card, second place received $15, and 3rd received $10. There was never a dull moment or a smile ceased! The Kingfisher County Fair is a 4-day long event happening throughout Saturday the 24th.\n\n\n\nSenior Division Winners - 3rd: The Diggers (not pictured) 2nd: The Pineapples 1st: The Fancy Farmers\n\n\n\nIntermediate Division Winners - 3rd: The Dover Newbies 2nd: The Cashion Cowgirls 1st: The Rowdy Rhinestones\n\n\n\nJunior Division Winners - 3rd: K-town Kid 2nd: Thunder Dub 1st: The Pink Pistols\n\n\n\nPhotos by AAK Maitland Pickle","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Aug 22, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-08-22 18:30:28","modifiedDate":"2024-08-22 13:30:28","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-22 18:30:28","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":46},"status":"publish"},{"id":9752,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/the-chisholm-concert-series-mackynsie-mckedy-music\/","name":"the-chisholm-concert-series-mackynsie-mckedy-music","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/452131880_793561419430012_6967446042827417519_n.jpg","alt":""},"title":"THE CHISHOLM CONCERT SERIES: MACKYNSIE MCKEDY MUSIC","excerpt":"","content":"On Thursday, July 18th, Mackynsie McKedy Music and The McKedy Band took the stage for a foot tappin', hand clappin', singin' along concert. If you haven't had a chance to enjoy any past shows fear not as you have one more chance in August, mark your calendars for August 15th when Travis Kidd : MUSIC takes the spot light.\n\n\n\nStarting back in May,\u00a0The Chisholm\u00a0has been bringing music to the Horizon Hill once a month with their Summer Sounds Concert Series. This fun, family friendly evening is not only music to your ears, aroma fills the air with food from participating food trucks. Making it a complete package, with dinner and entertainment. Photos & story AAK - Amy Smith","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Jul 25, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:42:35","modifiedDate":"2024-07-25 12:42:38","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:42:38","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":35},"status":"publish"},{"id":9746,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/six-khs-grads-participate-in-oca-all-state\/","name":"six-khs-grads-participate-in-oca-all-state","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/Damien-Gant-Jace-e1721929167609.jpg","alt":""},"title":"SIX KHS GRADS PARTICIPATE IN OCA ALL-STATE","excerpt":"","content":"The recent news about all-state nominations for some of our KHS grads has sparked a wave of excitement and pride in Kingfisher. The Oklahoma Coaches Association has recognized the incredible talent of six outstanding students. Each student was nominated by their coaches and selected by the Oklahoma Coaches Association to participate in their All-State programs. They are Peyton Walker, Damien Haynes, Gant Browning, Jace Johnson, Jake Reagan, and Libbie Barnett. On July 24th, Peyton Walker participated in the All-State girls' basketball game at Sapulpa High School, she represented the Large West team.\u00a0Damien Haynes, Gant Browning, and Jace Johnson participated in All-State Wrestling at Broken Arrow High School.\u00a0These recent graduates will be representing the Small West Wrestling team. Damien will be wrestling in the 150-weight class, Gant in 132, and Jace in 144.\u00a0Today, July 26th, Jake Reagan is participating in the All-State Football game at Oklahoma Baptist in Shawnee, representing the west team Lastly, at halftime of the football game, Libbie Barnett as well as other All-State Queen Candidates will be recognized and one will be chosen as the OCA All-State Queen.","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Jul 25, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:39:49","modifiedDate":"2024-08-22 13:41:24","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-22 18:41:24","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":54},"status":"publish"},{"id":9734,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/4h-workshops\/","name":"4h-workshops","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/JR-ROUNDUP-e1721928577303.jpg","alt":""},"title":"4H Workshops","excerpt":"","content":"\u00a0JUNIOR ROUNDUP Wednesday, July 10, The Kingfisher County 4-H invited OSU students Hunter Haxton and Mariana Del Portillo to present a workshop to students of the community. During the workshops, the students learned about different types of birds, made bird feeders, learned about pollination and the effects of it as well as what insects and animals are pollinators. The students then split into groups and participated in a pollination game. They were given a tablet and a Sphero BOLT, an app-enabled robotic ball, and used a coding program to work the maze. The objective was to get the bee, the Sphero, from one hive to the other by way of pollination. The Kingfisher, Lomega, and Dover areas were represented by students from their towns who participated in the morning workshop. Heater Leitner, 4H Youth Development Extension Educator, Joe Kochenower, long-time 4H helper, Kingfisher Sophomore Delissa Evans, and Lomega Freshman Lasi Grabow all helped with the activities and provided students support with their projects. Story and photos provided by AAK Maitland Pickle \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCLOVERBUDS DAY CAMP Thursday, July 18 was a busy day for the Kingfisher County 4-H Cloverbuds. The day camp was from 9am to 2pm. The first half of the day was filled with exciting workshops and the latter half with yummy food and splash pad fun. During the workshops, they learned about enzymes, PH levels, and how they change, ate healthy snacks, made bird feeders, and played games. Kayla Meyer, Cloverbud Director invited OSU STEMists Merrick Winters and Kevin Nguyen to lead the workshops. About 25 students were present and 3 Kingfisher County schools were represented. Kingfisher, Okarche, and Lomega. Helping with crowd control was Heather Leitner and Joe Kochenower. It was a day filled with learning, laughter, and fun! Photos and story by AAK Maitland Pickle\u00a0","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Jul 25, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:29:46","modifiedDate":"2024-07-25 12:29:48","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:29:48","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":30},"status":"publish"},{"id":9723,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/growing-of-the-grapes\/","name":"growing-of-the-grapes","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/451685517_792907399495414_4588313034417671320_n.jpg","alt":""},"title":"GROWING OF THE GRAPES","excerpt":"","content":"Oklahoma has about 45 wineries but only about 15 vineyards. This means that most of our wineries have to outsource grapes from other states. Madi Franklin hopes to change that.\n\n\n\nMadi is the Viticulture and Enology Coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Her job is to get people interested in growing grapes and provide them with the resources to do so.\n\n\n\nOn July 17, Madi gave a presentation at Chisholm Trail Technology Center about Oklahoma viticulture history, the difference between table grapes and wine grapes, and the big 4. Climate, materials, cost & profits, and grant opportunities. The western part of Oklahoma (minus the panhandle) has the capability for growing grapes but hardly anyone is doing it.\n\n\n\nIf you are looking for your next project or side job this might be for you! Make a difference in your state!\n\n\n\nPhotos & Story by Maitland Pickle","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Jul 25, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:23:57","modifiedDate":"2024-07-25 12:23:58","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:23:58","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":44},"status":"publish"},{"id":9714,"link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/jacket-football-camp\/","name":"jacket-football-camp","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/451436657_790425176410303_8347515432348425155_n-1-e1721928066760.jpg","alt":""},"title":"JACKET FOOTBALL CAMP","excerpt":"","content":"From Wednesday to Friday, July 10th - July 12th the Kingfisher Football coaches held a football workshop. Over the course of the 3 days the program saw roughly 42 kids daily from 5th to 8th grade, most of those in attendance being 7th and 8th graders. During the camp they worked on passing, and punting as well as other more specific skills. They ended their last day with a fun scrimmage in which the majority of the coaches participated. It\u2019s another great day to be a Jacket!","author":{"name":"Angela Bruner","link":"https:\/\/allaboutkingfisher.com\/author\/admin\/"},"date":"Jul 25, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:21:21","modifiedDate":"2024-07-25 12:21:23","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-07-25 17:21:23","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"News<\/a>","space":"News<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":26},"status":"publish"}]