The Kingfisher County Republican Women hosted a forum on Monday, May 20th, for candidates to offer their views on prepared questions. The event was held at the Interbank Community Room and was packed with people wanting to hear from the men. The fourrunning for the office of Sherriff include Aaron Pitts, Jeremiah Loper, Jonathan Riedlinger, and Forrest Smith. After drawing numbers, each candidate was asked questions from a list that they were all presented with beforehand. The questions included:
Questions included: How would you reduce wait times for deputy response? What do you think would be the best use of the deputies?
How would you redirect resources to improve operations? What is one current strength of the sheriff’s office and one area of deficiency?
What would be your priorities? What is your position on civil asset forfeiture laws? After the prepared questions were answered, KCRW Tamara Hopkins opened it up to the audience for questions.
All About Kingfisher live-streamed the event, and it can be seen in its entirety at There will be a primary
Election June 18th. Photos by AAK Jack Quirk