Octavio was diagnosed with an extremely rare life-threatening condition when he was born. He has undergone numerous surgeries to correct muscular and skeletal abnormalities throughout his life. Octavio’s parents were given some of the worst news a parent could receive. Octavio would have a very short life expectancy, no more than 10 years at best. In January, Octavio will turn 14 years old and is thriving! He is fierce! He is a fighter! Despite his numerous disabilities that clearly set him apart from his peers, Octavio considers himself a normal 7th grade student who is just as capable and intelligent and determined as his classmates. It is worth noting that Octavio happens to be a class favorite among his peers. He is well liked by all and proudly wears the label of Class Clown. Octavio’s doting parents have supported and cared for him every day of his life. There is no question that Octavio is still here because of the care and devotion they have given him. They work tirelessly to financially support him and his sister, giving them the best they can. With his diagnosis he has many doctor appointments, surgeries, and sick days. His parents never leave his side, making sure he receives the best care. This also means many missed work days for them. His most recent surgery was a spinal surgery in November. He was in the hospital for five days and missed ten days of school. His mom never left his side, missing over 15 days of work right before the holidays.
Each year the Kingfisher High School Student Council picks a student or family in the community to love on. This years recipient is Octavio and his family. Throughout the week the high school students will be doing many things to help raise money for their (S)tudents (T)hriving (I)n (N)eighborly (G)oodness program. and they want you to be a part of it. Make a donation to support this amazing student and his family. No matter the amount, any monetary donation would be greatly appreciated. The students involved in this effort feel it is important for you to know that 100% of the monies raised through STING will go directly to Octavio and his family. The Kingfisher High School Student Council would like to thank you in advance for your contributions and any and all support you can offer! If you would like to make a donation please email sbieren@kingfisher.k12.ok.us Information and photos provided by Natalie Garrett.