Wednesday, December 11th’s adventure took the Grinch and Max the dog to Mrs. Hagar’s Pre-K class once again. Max aka Angie Kennedy took on reading the story especially since the Grinch has a hard time seeing! We did a little dancing and singing to Jingle Bells. We visited with the littles about Max the dog dressed like a reindeer for the Grinch’s sleigh. One very knowledgeable little Pre-Ker informed everyone he didn’t understand why anyone would want to be a reindeer. He has actually seen them in real life and all they do is eat poop! Mrs. Hagar gave us a big smile and stated this is why she teaches Pre-K! We wandered from class to class getting high 5’s, hugs, and giggles. There was only one costume mishap when the Grinch was climbing in Max’s jeep. With the crotch hanging down to my knees I couldn’t lift my leg high enough to get in. My laughing spell probably didn’t help my situation! I have dressed up as Ursala, Sally Scarecrow, and today (December 11th) the Grinch. A couple of weeks ago I was in line at Walmart. I noticed a little girl pulling on her mother’s arm pointing at me. I recognized her from Mrs. Hagar’s class and obviously, she recognized me. Neither one of us spoke a word. I gave her a wink and she gave me a smile. I went on my way with my heart a bit larger. It came without ribbons, it came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags. Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a bit more! The memories are our gifts to each other. To the next adventure of the Grinch and Max. Stay tuned. Story and photos by AAK Bonny Flesher.
